Mixed People's History

Mixed Lit Library Project displaying  a photo full of books about mixed people and/or with mixed characters

The aim of Mixed People’s History is to bring visibility to Multiracial & Interethnic communities and our experiences by community building through collected media, history, and resources. We want to broaden the dialogue on how the world frames issues of race and ethnicity as it relates to those of us who exist cross-culturally.

Our hope is to create a sense of place and shared experience for those of us who never felt comfortable filling in, or fitting into one box. By providing an inclusive platform with a call to all of us to participate, share, and build a digital mosaic of our narratives, we empower and embolden ourselves.

Part of Mixed People’s History’s goal is to have resources regarding our experience be more accessible. One of the ways we’re doing that is by compiling book and media titles in one space. Our first display was put up in October 2019 at the F. W. Olin Library on the Mills College Campus, where a librarian reported a student said it “low key changed [her] life”. In the future, we would like to visit more libraries to request that they carry more Multiracial books for patron use.

